Friday, July 06, 2007

My Top Five

The Top Five List is sacred. I can't prove it, but I think every man has one...

What is a "Top Five List" you may ask yourself? It's the top five celebrities you think are hot, for whatever reason, and the subject is absolutely sacred. Sure, guys can make fun of you for some of your selections, you can make fun of theirs. But in the end, as I have said before, the selections are sacred.

And you know what the cool thing is? I can joke about it with my wife, and she can joke back... That's important, fellas.

So, without further ado, I publish mine for the world to see. Disclaimer - they are in no particular order, and BTW, I don't care if you make fun. Go ahead. I have reasons for mine - we have a chick that can make me giggle, one who can cook for me, another who can keep me abreast of world news, one to sing for me, and one to make me feel more in touch with other cultures...

1) Aishwarya Rai - commonly considered "the most beautiful woman in the world" she is just divine. Some call her perfection, I just cite her as an example of why we cant be too critical of our friends from Bollywood.

2) Jenny McCarthy - from the day I first saw her gracing Playboy with all her charms on display, this Chicago beauty grabbed my heart. And now, even though she is hooked up with Jim Carrey, she is still the shit. Gotta love a chick that can poke fun at herself... I also think that she is a great example for other women who may struggle with their weight. Why? I read in a parenting magazine I believe it was (hey, I'm a Dad, my wife gets the mags, sometimes I read 'em... problem?) about her struggles with her weight and l,osing her baby fat etc and I though, y'know, that's pretty cool that she's open enough to talk about such issues... Oh, and her ad for Candies is strangely hot.

3) Faith Hill - damn. That's all I can say.

4) Giada DeLaurentis - this girl can cook. That's always a bonus, but when Giada does it, invariably it's with a low-cut top, and a certain twinkle in her eye... And for some strange reason, she always ends up eating alone, in an evening dress, with a glass of wine. I think that's wrong. Oh, and when she pronounces "risotto", my heart just leaps a little bit. Oh, now check out this little gem I found...

Jesus Christ - it's like food porn!

5) Rudi Bakhtiar - former CNN news anchor, now with Fox News. There's a reason I'm right wing! When you watch her pronounce certain words her lips move in wondrous ways. Witness this phenomenon here:

Oooh, I get shivers when she says "booty".....

So there we have it. Along with my new-found ability to add YouTube to the blog, the sky's the limit!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Only five?